It’s National Tree Week and it is the UK’s biggest annual tree celebration, running from November 26th 2023 – December 4th 2023.

It was originally called “Plant A Tree in ‘73”, and was started in (you guessed it!) 1973 by The Tree Council in response to Dutch Elm Disease – a tree disease that stops trees from getting water properly.

A wonderful avenue of trees at the end of our drive sadly died from Dutch Elm Disease many years ago. This year, we have replanted the avenue with Tilia Pallida Lime trees. You can see the beautiful old lime trees at the top of the avenue, and one day (unfortunately not in my lifetime…) these new trees will be as tall as them. What a spectacular sight they will be.

We have also planted 820 native, deciduous trees and shrubs around the farm this year, along with 3000 Hawthorn hedge plants. Last year we also planted over 700 trees and shrubs.

Trees are a very important part of our ecosystem. They take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen. They help keep our air clean, which is vital for the future of our climate.

Trees support so many types of wildlife, like birds, bugs, and squirrels as well as other kinds of plants which live in or on trees. Without trees and hedges, countless animals would lose their homes or sources of food.

Tree planting season in the UK runs from November through to March. So, if you have some space to plant a tree, or replace an old fence with a hedge, the next few months are the perfect time to do it. Trees will grow quite happily in pots, if you have limited space, so add some height to your container planting arrangements with a beautiful tree.

When planting any trees or hedge plants we recommend you add some of our soil conditioner in to the hole and then mulch the surface around the plants. This helps to give the trees a slow release feed and provides warmth with the mulch over the winter period.