Month: April 2023

Chemical-Free Gardening Tips #2

Chemical free tips to rebalance the eco-systems in your garden.  #2: Ponds: ecological hotspots for biodiversity.  Installing a small pond in your garden can help control garden pests like aphids, provide a valuable home for amphibians, act as a carbon sink and become an ecological hotspot for biodiversity. Follow my son’s lead and add enormous benefits to your…

Chemical-Free Gardening Tips – Companion Plants

Nasturtium - the best organic pest control

Chemical free tips to rebalance the eco-systems in your garden.  Install a combination of companion plants and herbs.  Companion planting is a time-tested gardening method that enriches and protects vulnerable crops. Planting ‘companion’ plants among other plants can help them to grow by either attracting beneficial insects, repelling pests, or by acting as a sacrificial…