What is mulching (top dressing) and why should you do it?

Mulching (also known as top dressing) offers numerous benefits for your plants, soil and overall garden health. A mulch is a layer of material applied to the surface of the soil around trees, paths, flower and vegetable beds. Mulch can be applied at any time of year, but Autumn and Spring are popular times whilst…

Organic Gardening Tips For October

October is always full of joyous, bright Autumn colours on all kinds of plants, from flowers to fruit. Golden leaves are falling from the trees and orange pumpkins are being harvested ready for Halloween fun! We will all be praying for the rain to stop so we can enjoy some lovely Autumn walks. Jobs to…

Organic Gardening Tips for September

Every day the sun is setting earlier and earlier as September is a crossroad month for seasons. We can hopefully enjoy our gardens getting some rain as it has been so dry, but at night the temperatures will start to drop, so be ready to start protecting any delicate plants. There is good news however…

Organic Gardening Tips for August

Vegetable beds and allotments are now overflowing with organic fruit and vegetables to harvest. After a very slow start to the growing year, due to the weather, we are finally able to enjoy the fruits of our labour. Flower beds need dead-heading and perennials need planting. Harvest time is here. Enjoy! Crops need to be…

Nasturtiums – The perfect organic pest control

Nasturtiums are the perfect organic pest control! Flea and cucumber beetles will be tempted away from squash and cucumber plants. Cabbage white butterflies are attracted to their leaves, and they will often choose to lay their eggs on nasturtium leaves, instead of cabbage leaves. The cabbage white caterpillars stay on their host plant, rather than…

Organic Gardening Tips for July

After a very slow start to the growing season due to the cold and wet weather, we can finally start to harvest the fruits of our labours. Home grown fruit and vegetables taste fabulous – time to enjoy! Jobs to do in the garden this month: • Water and feed all areas regularly with our…

Watering, Weeding and Feeding

Watering, Weeding, Pest Control and Feeding Through the hotter summer months, watering continues to be a time-consuming task for us gardeners. The weeds are prolific, and pests love the heat too, so both need constant monitoring. Feeding plants is obviously a must, and we recommend doing so on the same day each week. We love…

Attract wildlife as natural predators

Chemical free tips to rebalance the eco-systems in your garden. Attract wildlife and watch your garden flourish. Once you’ve stopped using pesticides in your garden, it’s important to attract wildlife back as they bring in lots of natural predators and help keep pest numbers down. Beetles and caterpillars are a favourite food of hedgehogs. You…

Organic Gardening Tips for June

The cool spring has continued and we all hope that warmer weather is arriving soon! Greenhouses around the UK will be emptied and window-sills in houses can be cleared of plants as everything can be planted out. Time to harvest rhubarb to make a rhubarb summer pudding! Gardening jobs to do this month: • Water…

Butterflies – provide them with food plants

Chemical free tips to rebalance the eco-systems in your garden. Plant flowers that attract and feed butterflies to increase pollination. Gardens can act as important stepping-stones between nature reserves and other natural habitats by offering abundant supplies of nectar and food plants for butterflies. In the UK, our gardens cover two million acres of land – that’s 15…