Organic Gardening Tips for September

Every day the sun is setting earlier and earlier as September is a crossroad month for seasons. We can hopefully enjoy our gardens getting some rain as it has been so dry, but at night the temperatures will start to drop, so be ready to start protecting any delicate plants. There is good news however…

Organic Gardening Tips for August

Vegetable beds and allotments are now overflowing with organic fruit and vegetables to harvest. Flower beds need dead-heading and perennials need planting. Harvest time is here. Enjoy! Crops need to be well watered, especially onions, so make sure you keep emptying the water butt and turn on the sprinkler. Be mindful of potential hose-pipe bans…

8 Reasons To Mulch (Top Dress)

Here are 8 ways that mulching with our plant feed and soil conditioner offers numerous benefits for your plants, soil and overall garden health: Soil moisture retention: Top dressing with mulch acts as a protective layer over the soil, reducing evaporation and preventing water loss. This helps to retain moisture in the soil, ensuring that…

Looking After The Soil Beneath Our Feet

We can all take the soil beneath our feet for granted. Grass and weeds thrive in it, so surely all our flowering plants, shrubs, fruit and vegetables that we want to grow will do too, right? Think again! Yes, soil is generally alive with organisms that provide the perfect environment in which our plants can…

Chemical-Free Gardening Tips #7

Chemical free tips to rebalance the eco-systems in your garden. #7: Pollinators – It’s not just bees who spread the love Pollinators play a vital role in plant reproduction. Without pollinating insects, many of our crops and wild plants wouldn’t survive. Although honey- and bumblebees get a great deal of kudos for pollination, there are…

Watering, Weeding, Pest Control and Feeding

Watering, Weeding, Pest Control and Feeding Through the hotter summer months, watering continues to be a time-consuming task for us gardeners. The weeds are prolific, and pests love the heat too, so both need constant monitoring: we’ve recently made #weedingwednesdays a weekly activity to ensure we keep on top of the work and have also…

Is Organic Fertiliser as Good as Chemical Fertiliser?

When I am asked “is organic fertiliser as good as chemical fertiliser”, I have to ask the question – what are chemical fertilisers good for? Good for the plants, good for the soil, good for the person eating the produce that has been grown with it, good for the wildlife, children and pets that invariably…

Chemical-Free Gardening Tips #6

Chemical free tips to rebalance the eco-systems in your garden. #6: The benefits of nettles in your garden You may feel that nettles, especially stinging nettles, are a problem weed that you need to dig up and discard. But there are actually numerous ways that nettles in your garden can be put to positive use:…

Chemical-Free Gardening Tips #5

Chemical free tips to rebalance the eco-systems in your garden. #5: Buy in good bugs that eat plant pests and manage the moisture of your soil. You would have probably given your indoor plants a good feed when spring started, but don’t overlook their health needs as the heat of summer approaches (if it approaches!)….

Chemical Free Gardening Tips #4

Chemical free tips to rebalance the eco-systems in your garden. #4: Attract wildlife and watch your garden flourish. Once you’ve stopped using pesticides in your garden, it’s important to attract wildlife back as they bring in lots of natural predators and help keep pest numbers down. Beetles and caterpillars are a favourite food of hedgehogs….