Category: Hints & Tips

Organic Gardening Tips for July

After a very slow start to the growing season due to the cold and wet weather, we can finally start to harvest the fruits of our labours. Home grown fruit and vegetables taste fabulous – time to enjoy! Jobs to do in the garden this month: • Water and feed all areas regularly with our…

Organic Gardening Tips for June

The cool spring has continued and we all hope that warmer weather is arriving soon! Greenhouses around the UK will be emptied and window-sills in houses can be cleared of plants as everything can be planted out. Time to harvest rhubarb to make a rhubarb summer pudding! Gardening jobs to do this month: • Water…

Organic Gardening Tips for May

May is a month of planting out, so lets hope the frosts stay away so we can! We need some warm sunshine after what has been a wet and cold spring. Fingers crossed it arrives soon… Jobs to do this month: • Plant out tomatoes in unheated greenhouse • Prick out seedlings as they grow…

The perfect organic pest control – Nasturtiums

Nasturtium - the best organic pest control

Nasturtiums are the perfect organic pest control! Flea and cucumber beetles will be tempted away from squash and cucumber plants. Cabbage white butterflies are attracted to their leaves, and they will often choose to lay their eggs on nasturtium leaves, instead of cabbage leaves. The cabbage white caterpillars stay on their host plant, rather than…

Organic Gardening Tips for April

The rain keeps coming and the nights are cold. Don’t rush to plant out young seedlings or Jack Frost might get them! Jobs to do this month: Protect plants from the frost Sow all sorts of seeds in a heated greenhouse or inside on a windowsill: tomatoes, peppers, marrows etc Start hardening off seedlings that…

How To Plant a Year Round Veg Garden

This is a guest post from our friends at Rocket Gardens, a lovely company based in Cornwall that sell Organic Plug Plants for kitchen gardens – they have a wide range of different vegetable plants, herb plants, companions and edible flowers and soft fruit. It is surprisingly straightforward to keep your plot going all year…

Benefits of a raised bed and factors to consider

Raised Garden Beds

Raised beds offer a practical, fun and efficient way to grow your vegetables and flowers. If you are planning what you are going to grow in your garden this year, and where you are going to place beds, then there are many reasons why a raised bed is a good idea. We grow all our…

Organic Gardening Tips for March

Spring is almost here. The ground is saturated after all the rain which keeps coming. Time to do lots of preparation and sowing of early crops in the greenhouse or on your windowsills. The warm sun and dry weather is hopefully coming very soon!! Jobs to do this month: • Start off seedlings including annuals…

Organic Gardening Tips for February

Spring is almost here! The days are gradually getting longer…..Time to do lots of preparation and sowing of early crops in the greenhouse or on your windowsills. Jobs to do this month: • Plant herbs in pots to keep in the kitchen, using our organic compost • Peaches and grapes can be planted in the…

Organic Gardening Tips for January

January 2022

A new year has begun!! Welcome 2024!  Its time to make plans for your garden and allotment and order in seeds and plants!  We can now also look forward to ever so slightly lighter evenings as the shortest day has passed. Jobs to do this month: • Prune soft fruit removing old stems • Plant…