Tag: compost

Tips to Help You Look After Your Soil

World Soil Day is celebrated in December every year. The aim is to raise awareness of the importance of healthy ecosystems, by addressing the growing challenges in soil management, increasing soil awareness and encouraging everyone to do what they can to improve soil health throughout the year. Gardening with a focus on soil health is…

8 Reasons To Mulch (Top Dress)

plant feed, mulch, top dress,

Here are 8 ways that mulching with our plant feed and soil conditioner offers numerous benefits for your plants, soil and overall garden health: Soil moisture retention: Top dressing with mulch acts as a protective layer over the soil, reducing evaporation and preventing water loss. This helps to retain moisture in the soil, ensuring that…

GIVEAWAY with Shell on Earth!

We have teamed up with another family run company to bring you the first of our 2023 GIVEAWAYS! Shell on Earth, is a family business from New Quay in West Wales. They recycle the whelk shells generated at their seafood processing company, for use with houseplants and in gardens and landscaping. Ideal for garden borders,…

Why you should top dress your plants with compost or soil conditioner

Slow-release organic fertiliser

Top dressing means spreading nutritious organic material on your garden several inches thick, like a mulch.  A lot of composts that people are using are being made with green waste. This sounds great, but you have no idea what has gone in to the green waste and sadly people are finding lots of plastic and…