Spring is almost here! The days are gradually getting longer.....Time to do lots of preparation and sowing of early crops in the greenhouse or on your windowsills.
Jobs to do this month:
• Plant herbs in pots to keep in the kitchen, using our organic compost
• Peaches and grapes can be planted in the greenhouse
• Apply Natural Soil conditioner to vegetable beds ready for planting out seedlings from the greenhouse
• Harvest winter vegetables: kale, purple sprouting broccoli, spinach and chard, parsnip, turnip, swede and Jerusalem artichokes
• Sow early crops using our peat free compost in the greenhouse or on a light windowsill: beetroot, broad beans, early cabbages, herbs, leeks, lettuce, onions, parsnip, peas, radish, spinach and turnip
• Sow greenhouse crops: chillies, tomatoes, aubergines, peppers, cucumber, melons and keep warm inside or in a heated propagator
• Force rhubarb under forcing pots for lovely pink stems
• Cut down raspberry canes to 1 inch above soil level
• Apply Natural Soil Conditioner to flower beds to add vital nutrients ready for planting flowering bulbs and perennials
• Sow sweet peas
• Dig up and divide snowdrops and replant, ready for next spring
• Prune late flowering Clematis
• Keep topping up the bird feeders!
early crops, force rhubarb, organic compost, sow seeds