Spring is almost here and the sun is finally shining every day. What a difference some warmth from the sun makes. Time to do lots of preparation and sowing of early crops in the greenhouse or on your windowsills.
Jobs to do this month:
• Start off seedlings including annuals and summer vegetables like Lettuce, Cabbage and Beetroot
• Sow flower seeds for summer colour
• Plant summer flowering bulbs: Begonias, Gladioli, Lillies and Dahlias
• Plant bush fruit and fruit trees
• Remove any weeds and rake the soil of the vegetable beds ready for planting
• If you have grown green manure crops over the winter to fix the nitrogen in to your soil, gently dig them up and leave them in the soil to add more organic matter to your beds.
• Apply plant feed to vegetable plots and flower beds ready to provide slow release nutrients all summer
• Prune roses
• Cut back and clean up Winter flowering Heathers
• Plant perennials and alpines in borders, rockeries, troughs and walls
• Sow beetroot, broad beans, peas, leeks, radish, lettuce, parsnip, onions, carrots, turnips and herbs. Some can be planted directly outside, otherwise start off under-cover.
• Plant early potatoes mid-March
• Plant Jerusalem artichokes and asparagus crowns
• Plant strawberry plants
• Stop forcing rhubarb
• Mulch around fruit trees and bushes with our soil conditioner – to suppress weeds and retain moisture
• Remove any moss you have growing in your lawn, rake over grass seed and add a sprinkle of our soil conditioner to keep the seeds warm and provide them with a feed to get the grass growing quickly.
• Your indoor plants may be showing signs of new growth. Check the base of the pot for any signs that the roots have run out of space and repot using our compost.
• Start giving your indoor plants a weekly feed with our liquid fertiliser so they can make the most of the sunny days on your window-sill and provide you with lots of rich green leaves and lovely flowers all summer.