Le Manoir aux Quat'Saisons Raymond Blanc Gardening School 'Soil to Plate' course will be using Natural Grower compost.
'We are excited to be using Natural Grower compost in our 'Soil to Plate' course showcasing different types of growing mediums for our guests. Natural Grower's ethos is something that is very important to us at The Raymond Blanc Gardening School, as it's championing a closed-loop sustainable system creating a peat-free growing medium from crops grown on the farm - with an extra added bonus of renewable electricity being produced from the process and fed back to the national grid!'
August Bernstein, Head Tutor at The Raymond Blanc Gardening School.
The Raymond Blanc Gardening School is expanding its calendar of courses to fill the whole year. With many green-fingered stories to tell and developments to share, a new course leader and a roster of guest tutors, the school is entering an exciting new future, driven by a passion for garden-to-plate gastronomy and sustainable cultivation techniques.
At Le Manoir aux Quat’Saison today, there are 11 magnificent gardens and a 2,500-strong heritage orchard. Under the expertise of Head Gardener Anne Marie Owens, the team has researched the best plant varieties, sown the seeds and nurtured the crops for almost 40 years. Their wealth of experience is shared with students at the gardening school – the first of its kind – in classes ranging from pruning to micro-greens.
At the school’s helm is August Bernstein, a passionate gardener, seed grower and homegrown food aficionado, who switched from being Senior Cabin Crew with an airline to embracing an altogether different, more sustainable lifestyle. She leads a team of tutors who each teach their specific area of expertise.
Classes are designed to cultivate all budding gardeners, including allotmenteers and window-box tenders. Popular favourites include soil-to-plate classes and grow your own seasonal vegetables.
New for 2023 is the art of tree pruning with a day in the orchard. You can grow your own cocktail botanicals and cultivate edible flowers that look as beautiful in your garden as in your cooking.
Children don’t miss out: August has a passion for nurturing little Seed Explorers. Using natty characters such as Clarence Carrot and Babs the Ballerina Beetroot, and with the aid of exciting activity packs, young sowers are encouraged to engage with the full seed-to-plate journey.
See link for more information: Raymond Blanc Gardening School