A new year has begun!! Welcome 2024! Its time to make plans for your garden and allotment and order in seeds and plants! We can now also look forward to ever so slightly lighter evenings as the shortest day has passed.
Jobs to do this month:
• Prune soft fruit removing old stems
• Plant new fruit bushes when ground is not frozen, adding some of our soil conditioner to the soil to provide all the nutrients your plant will need when growth starts
• Harvest winter veg: leeks, celeriac, parsnips, brussel sprouts, kale, cabbage, cauliflower, swede and turnip
• Start chitting seed potatoes in egg boxes on a warm window sill
• Snap and bend a cauliflower leaf over the head to protect it from frosts
• Mulch blueberries and cranberries with Christmas tree clippings and soil conditioner to keep the soil acidic
• Prune Wisteria side shoots to encourage flowering
• Plan which flower seeds you are going to grow in borders or baskets
• Fill any gaps in planted containers with Winter pansies
• Get out the seed and plant catalogues and get ordering!